Monday, May 14, 2007


The first step to getting an American immigrant visa is to have a citizen petition on your behalf. That's me, and I had to go to Tokyo to do it. One of the things I really dislike about Japan is the disproportionately expensive transportation costs. Everything is too expensive here, but nothing compares to the costs of simply getting around. Airplanes and shinkansen (high speed bullet trains) are justifiably costly, but what really blisters my paint is the highway system. I understand. It's the mountains. There are tunnels every couple of miles of every highway in Japan, and that's gotta cost a lot, but it should not cost $200 in tolls to drive from Hiroshima to Tokyo. That's just wrong. And it's the main reason the buses, while by far the cheapest method of travel, are also too expensive (a little over $200 r/t). Imagine driving from New York to Chicago and paying $200 in tolls. Gah.
Sure, there are surface streets, but driving any great distance on them is worse than trying to get through New Jersey without using the Turnpike. Traffic lights every few hundred meters. I took the bus.

Anyway, I took some pictures while I was there. Enjoy.

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