I've been busy will school, but I took time out to watch the Islam segment of the God's Warriors program on CNN. The part that struck me was the growth of pious, young Muslims in the United States. This bothered me greatly. I dislike Christian piety because it's anti-scientific, celebrates ignorance, and generally makes us look like a backward people to the rest of the world. Islamic piety on the other hand... well, that's just dangerous stuff, man. Convert, be enslaved, or die. Those are the three choices the Koran gives to any infidel (that's you) who is faced with an "offer" to convert to Islam. Some Muslims might not be so literal (not to mention barbaric), but then, they really can't call themselves pious, can they? Anyway, here's what one Muslim American Princess from Long Island had to say about her religion:
A lot of people go to the church on Sunday, and that's their religion for their week. Mine is every single day, every minute of my day."
Humble, isn't she?